We hope that this gallery will not only remind the local audience of the treasure in their library but will also reach a wider audience of friends and family now spread across the world. May stitchers elsewhere find ideas to inspire; and everyone enjoy a glimpse of a small West Riding township in the early years of the 21st century.
The images are taken from the original tapestry work and include pictures of children where approval for use was sought at the time. But the internet was barely off the ground. Equally the photographs were given or lent in good faith. So if anyone would prefer to have an image removed just let us know and it shall be done.
Where we have felt there has been insufficient information we have not made a hotspot link.
Images of the tapestry appear on greetings cards, some are still available at the library.
Our particular thanks to all who participated in this 2024 project, researching the information that accompanies the pieces. As well as mining their own and other’s memories of Horbury they used sources such as Ken Bartlett’s Wakefield & Horbury, Christine Cudworth’s two photographic books of Horbury, Peter Day’s From Beginnings Unpromising, Arundale’s Proud Village, R.D. Woodall’s Some Horbury Yesterdays. All of which can be found at the library. The Friends of Horbury Library Community Photo Archive and Horbury History website were also very useful.
Finally our thanks to One to One Development Trust who have taken our simple idea and developed something really exciting. Tapestries elsewhere might take note. Not only have One to One been generous with their time but they are also donating four years free web hosting, essential for a library Friends organisation with minimal funds.